Friday 6 May 2011

Things you don't often hear over lunch in hkg

Overheard at mosque kitchen during lunch. This Iranian man was angry, more frustrated really, with how the mass media of the west and governments protray middle east like a chaotic terrorist breeding ground. "if you go to middle east, our families are just like any family. We don't talk about democracy, we just want jobs. We have social problems just like Edinburgh have social problems. They trained the terrorist in the first place, they wanted to show the world they have power, that's when you had soviet union. We don't want to bomb Israel, we don't care about Israel, we just want to feed our family and have a happy family...." really wanted to give that old man a hug. What can you do? What can you really do? If god was right at least we end up in the same place, if god is wrong, guess we'll also end up in the same place. So keep your prayers old man, don't lose faith.

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