Sunday 15 July 2007

Cycling in Toledo

My boss at work, actual the boss of my immediate boss and since I have multiple bosses, this makes him boss of all bosses. So anyways, this boss of all bosses (let's call him b.o.b.) gave me a Litespeed mountain bike to keep me entertained while I was in Toledo. Being a total fool on the mechanical workings of a bike, let alone a mountain bike, I tried it out in the weekend nonetheless.

The whole bike trail was 6.3 miles one way and apparently it closes at dark and trail police have been known to ticket (~$70.00) people for being on the trail after hours!! Wow, luckily I didn't bump into any policeman that day. Hey, it might be my first time pleading guilt in court.

There is a Chinese saying that goes like this: 桃李無言,下自成蹊。
In English it will be something like this: The peaches and pears do not utter words, but a path will be formed under them.
Well, I learned this expression the hard way. And you probably will too after reading my photo blog.
So next time, be careful of what you are stepping on while taking pictures.
RIP Flip Flops
Your loving partner Juanjaime

I am going to do one (or two at the rate I'm going) "Toledo People" blog before I leave, so I'm saving photos of people for later. Apologize for all those amazing people out there, I'll keep you posted.

What would a Hong Kongers blog be without food? Unfortunately, I had 2 loaves of bread and half a scone whole days yesterday, I blame it on the hangovers.
I did make something good for myself the other day though, check it out.

Yeah, you don't want to mess around with food when it comes to Chinese. Who you looking at? Check this site out if you're still hungry after looking at the dog poo photo.


chicago said...

Love your egg presentation. Is this a man with glasses and mustache; or a bikini top and teeny weeny bottom ? It's all in the eyes of the beholder.
Have fun in Toledo

Josekin said...

Hey, how did you post so many pictures!? Picasa cuts me off after 4 or so, I think!

Juanjaime said...

Re chicago: Yeah, it's all in the minds as well. You are bad bad influence on young people.

Re josekin: We r from da Gen. Y, we GTD ... oh, I meant we get things done : )

Maybe it's a progressive limit and you've hit the plateau? So in the beginning you can post as many as you want and it accumulates along the way until a point where you can only post so many.