Wednesday 18 July 2007

Accidents happen for a reason

I feel my brother's pain he went through in Peru now, because I accidentally deleted all the pictures I took from Chicago.
Allow me to use this space to release my anger.
(Please note that the following "you" actually really refers to me.)
You stupid son of a-beep, you idiot beep-beep, what a dumb-beep you are, what the beep were you thinking? @!*(#%@#&%*!#%^&a#@$[];*(@!^&#*(!@$^&*(!@$^&@!!@@

I've always heard of people accidentally deleting something they treasure and felt sorry for them while at the same feel that they are absolute idiots. How can you delete something that is important do you?
It was very simple in my case, it might seem a bit complicated to non-camera users but it really is very straight forward. My girlie takes and saves pictures in two formats simultaneously: basic .jpg and raw .NEF. To simplify matters, .jpg files have 8 bits of intensity information while that of raw files has 12 to 14 bits of intensity information, thus making each part of the picture contain more information, thus higher quality and better color. But it really sucks up space, so I decided to clean up my album a bit by deleting all the .NEF files (around 5 mb each) which are larger in size than normal .jpg (around 750 kb each) and so what I did was do a "sort files according to type" command and deleted all the .NEF files and emptied my bin without thinking. Then I opened my Picasa2 and wah la, the .NEF files were magically gone and the .jpg files were gone as well! I had accidentally deleted both of them through the process!

So now I'm sitting in the corner of my room crying my head off thinking what good I can come out with such an unfortunate event.

1.) I went to Wikipedia to find out which crackhead came up with .NEF and .jpg files and learned a bit about the difference and luckily for the inventor, I found no name, otherwise I'd fly over and switch all his .NEF and .jpg files around.
2.) I also found out that the Tuneup undelete button in the recycle bin is only a myth.
3.) I should clean my album everyday to avoid a mass delete button.
4.) I'm only left with 8 pictures from the Chicago album and I don't have to pile through them, I'll just give you the lucky 8 that's left. By the way, 8 is actually the lucky number for Chinese. While 7 means "you did something stupid you dumb f " in Cantonese slang.

Me and my mum spent the last afternoon in Chicago walking and cycling around Navy's Pier (in which I lost control of our tricycle and drove onto one of the cars only bridge along North Lakes Shore Drive). This picture was taken while a storm was building up in Lake Michigan, just reminds me of the tingling feeling in the air before a storm takes over the city.

And the lightning strikes, it was extremely rainy outside and I was shooting behind a glass door, plus I was shooting lightning without a tripod, thus no bulb function!! So it took a lot of shots before I could capture this lightning shot.

The aftermath of the storm, this is by far my favorite picture since I started shooting with a DSLR. It's just a feeling, maybe it's the softness of the water and the fluffy clouds contrasting the hard, cold concrete. Maybe it's the curve of the railings interacting with the rectangular asphalt. Maybe it's the dreamy bicycle on the corner. Maybe it's just me?

If you can immediately tell what this poster is all about, you are probably having a cravings panic attack. Hmmmm..... I could taste the Chocolate Fudge Brownie. I've got to try the Chocolate Chip Cookie Dough or Stephen Colbert's AmeriCone Dream or all of the above before I leave the states.

Taken inside a mall where the neon lights of an advertisement was reflected on the window. I took out all the back ground light by blowing up the shadows and highlights in Picassa2 to get this sharp contrast.

That's my mum walking in the park and I captured the moment when she was just about to cross over from the toddler chair to the child chair and I'm between those two observing her.

No clue what this building is, but it is right outside my brother's apartment at 233 East Wacker Drive. This is a picture of a reflection of a building off of a window with the blinds down from the inside. Hence the linear lines running along the picture.

This is lucky number 8, with the NBC tower in the back, a controls office for the bridges on the bridge along North Columbus Drive up front and some blue advertising lights for a jazz show glowing under the bridge.

Phew that was a long post, and I hunger for food. Speaking of which I tried Connie island hot dog today!! Hmmmm... thanks for the treat Adam. And thx for posing, Adam's hand.

Oh... this spontaneous thought about food made the total count 9. Well, I guess accidents happen for a reason.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

wei! ur Queen is visiting ur blog ar! :) finally u start a blog and write something. good good. keep it up. i will come and comment on u often!