Sunday 22 February 2009

A quote on skyscrapers of our generation

"Designs that are vast only by their dimensions, are always the sign of a common and low imagination. No work of art can be great but as it deceive, to be otherwise is the prerogative of nature only"

-------- Humphry Repton (1752-1818) quoting Edmund Burke

In plain simple English:

Designs that are merely big in scale are a sign of lack of imagination. All artworks that are great are artificial. Only nature is allowed to do artworks that are natural.

That was written in the 18th century, and it refers to British landscape designing, so I guess we have moved ahead of their times and realised that this statement is faulty?
And we should continue to race against each other to build the tallest, highest, most expensive building in the world to prove that we have great engineering capabilities and inventiveness.

While the electronics world are coming out with products that are becoming more compact with more functions and memory; buildings are becoming bigger, taller, grander.
Well, I guess they are the same afterall, they are simply consumer products of our age, with price tags stuck on them to see who becomes the most famous brand as well as help consumers make 2nd hand profit on ebay or in the real estate market.

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