Sunday 1 February 2009

Blog on blog about teaching

I've taken up a part time job of teaching BBC (British Born Chinese) children Chinese. They age between 8 and 12. The hardest thing of all is to be mean and tell them to shut up since they are so adorable, the other hardest thing to do is to not smile and giggle when they are doing the mass reading from the text book. Simply the cutest ensemble of voices you can ever hear besides a baby doing dada sounds.

Anyways, teaching young children is not really that hard, I was afraid that they would be quiet and I wouldn't know what to say. But the problem in my classroom was keeping them quiet. And it is universal truth (if universal truths of any kind exists) that kids are all noisy, creative and talkative no matter what country you are in. And sensitive questions will be asked when you least expect it.

This blog on a teacher teaching English in rural parts of China shows a child wanting to be the first woman leader of the KMT party in Taiwan!!!


Josekin said...

Taxes and death are universal truths

Juanjaime said...

If we don't live in a matrix, then yes. XP

chaubella said...

can you teach me chinese? =)

Juanjaime said...

what's my brother for??

chaubella said...

i don't discriminate. what's wrong with having multiple language teachers?