Tuesday 17 February 2009

Banned kissing on no kissing zone in front of railway station

A ban on kissing in order to stop the delay of taxis from leaving the train station.

Are you kidding me!?!?

Are politicians stupid!?!?!

'O, I will definitely vote for Mr. Smart Guy. He did many things for the community but mainly I am voting for him because he helped pushed the legislation so we now have a ban on kissing outside Warrington Bank Quay railway station'

I can't even think of a comparison to this magnitude of stupidity..... wait you even have a passion police to monitor the couples?

Virgin Train's statement: At a time of recession, this is some much needed fun and it will not expand to other station.

Sure, I just lost my banking job and has a rent to pay and 2 kids to feed. I want to kiss my partner before I go hunt for a janitor job... oh wait, I can't kiss here... and I have to go to the kissing zone. Oh this is much needed fun and it soooooo brightens my life up.

Oh, I found a comparison. You ever had a romantic night out gone wrong, cause you made all the wrong moves and gave all the wrong signals?
Well, kissing is about romance, kissers aren't smokers, kissers can't have designated zones to make out. It totally kills the romance.


Anonymous said...

Hi JuanJaime, it's so good to see that romance is still alive with some people! My name is Emily and I work with Mills & Boon and we completely agree with you - banning kissing is ludicrous. That's why we're protesting about it at our facebook group (Kiss goodbye to no kissing), which we'd love you and your readers to join. Download our slogans and spread them far and wide! Thanks so much and happy romance.

chaubella said...

i was LOL until i realized this is true. sad day for PDA...

Juanjaime said...


Anonymous said...

public displays of affection

Anonymous said...

have you seen the m&b posters? They're great. Check them out here.