Wednesday 18 August 2010


Finally have some personal time at the airport after a crazy Japan trip and intense Hong Kong socialising parties.

I always thought that unplanned time is the best time in a day. Friends being late, missing a bus, stepping on dog poo. These all make you stop and rethink, oh what should I do now, since I have time that I never planned to have.
In fact, I almost stepped on dog poo today while rushing back home to pack and catch the flight to Los Angeles. If I had stepped on dog poo, my shoe may be a lot cleaner, newer and smell better than had I not stepped on dog poo as I would zealously clean the Nike pair over and over again to hide any hint of the result of not paying attention to where my next foot will land on.

My plan for the remaining 10 day of holiday (in fact, my brother is getting wedded on 21 Aug). Is to relax and not think of anything. But before all that happens, let me share with you some interesting stuff:

Hong Kong news:
1. 小販管理隊人員,為甚麼你的名字裏有一個人」字?

2. Change is in the air...

3. ...and the change has to come quick before it's too late

Architecture news:
1. Magnifying then simplifying the beauty of light - James Turrell 

2. I wonder what deconstructionists think of this, but I love it =)

3. Architects, embrace sublime and simplicity. No more comparing whose pee pee is longer / bigger. Focus on how to make architecture for the people, not for press / postcards.

Other news:
1. This is how happy pavements should look like

2. How to witness a lighbulb dying

3. I wonder if cats like tennis balls as their cat bed as well? Cause I hate dogs...

4. Tea bag as purifier, why didn't I think of that earlier!? I 'd be a millionaire by now if I had!!

I love French kisses:
Allons-y un jour!

Oh, and my only finalised plan for the remaining 10 days is:

1. Attend my brother's wedding and drink as much free stuff as I can while I am off medication.

2. Finish Evangelion TV series that a dear younger brother bought for.... academic purposes.

1 comment:

GC said...

hey, amendment:

Allons-y un jour!
