Monday 21 September 2009

Jamie Cullum has a blog!

As it turns out, my favourite live jazz artist of all times, Jamie Cullum (I don't know a lot and I narrowly missed his live concert when he was in Hong Kong) has a blog!

Not only does he write witty love songs, mixing elements of pop, rock, hip hop, electronic, blues and reborns it as jazz, he recently went for a bike ride in the city.

"...As it turned out, our mayor Boris Johnson had closed down a huge part of central London to enable 50,000 cyclists to take to the streets without a car in sight. The route ran from Buckingham Palace, along the Victoria Embankment to St Pauls, to the Tower of London and back again...
...Dressed in all it's finery, with no Range Rovers to negotiate, the city revealed itself as a beautiful old friend. I was a tourist again in my own city."

After two thefts, it's about time I get my new bike and bring it up to the third floor every day, I love the feeling of being a tourist in one's own city. People running in the morning Meadows, the winds howling, rain drops on hoddies, grey skies and a corridor that smells like piss.
I'm back in Edinburgh.

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