Monday 19 December 2011


Science, Oxford University chemist Professor Peter Atkins says, has all the evidence it needs that the universe is "entirely without purpose": you are born an intelligent animal with no soul or spirit and there is nothing left alive after the body has died.

"I think that science exposes the wonder of the world as it is. You don't need fantasies to build that sense of wonder. Science is true glory, whereas religion is fabricated glory."

The religious notions of soul and spirit, of life everlasting and the final judgement, are nothing more, he says, than a "fantasy".

"I'm quite happy for people to take false comfort, but you've got to realize it's false comfort," he says.

But can civilisation accept this and run culture around such "false comfort", can we accept that humanity has based most, if not all, it's existence on "false comfort" until the recent century?

How can we brace ourselves in this bleak and dark tunnel of reality where we are increasingly certain there is no light at the end of the tunnel? We will most likely perish, like all beings, and not leave a single trace behind.

1 comment:

Winnie said...

there's has to be more than that
men are born without meaning, but we create it along the way